Real Horseshoe Crab Molt
The horseshoe crab is an ancient marine arthropod known for its horseshoe-shaped carapace. Despite its name, it is not a true crab but is more closely related to spiders and scorpions. It inhabits shallow coastal waters, feeding on mollusks, worms, and other small organisms. Horseshoe crabs are valued for their unique blue blood, used in biomedical research to detect bacterial endotoxins in pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
These are sharp and may not be suitable for children.
- These molts are very delicate. They may be naturally missing the tip of their tail, a pincer, a spine, etc.
- The photos shown are examples of what your specimen will approximately look like. Each crab is unique and will vary in size, shape, color, etc.
- Some of these specimens have barnacles attached to the exterior
- Measurements taken from tip to tail