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Skulls Staff Spotlight: Behind the Bones with Brenna
What is your primary role at Skulls Unlimited or SKELETONS: Museum of Osteology?
I oversee all purchasing and inventory needs for Skulls Unlimited and BoneBox. I also lead the Shipping and BoneBox team. I started as a weekend Gift Shop attendant five years ago.
What is the coolest thing about your job?
This is a hard one! My job is so cool in so many ways... I'd have to say the people I work with and our customers. My co-workers are some of the most intelligent, talented, unique people I have ever met. Our customers are fun to work with. I meet people from all over the world and I love to hear how they use our products.
Do you have a bone collection? If so, name your favorite or rarest specimen.
My collection is small but slowly growing. It's not rare, but my Audad is my prized possession.
What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
Depends on what you consider "nerdy", but I've been called a nerd for running a book club for the last 12 years.
What is your favorite specimen in the museum(s) or your favorite thing we sell in the Gift Shop?
I can't pass up any of our tees or anything with elephants on it.
What is your favorite part of each workday?
When Fed-Ex pulls up! I love deliveries!
Can you play any instruments? Please don't say the "trom-BONE" (unless it's true).
No, but I sing my heart out at every opportunity! You can catch me singing to [our office cat] Indiana Bones almost daily.
Choose a movie title for the story of your life (choose an existing title or make up your own).
Both The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly & It's a Wonderful Life
Brenna's colleagues say...
"She's passionate, peppy, and dedicated to helping our customers."
"She is so bubbly and outgoing, she almost radiates positivity."
"She's like a sister - she makes me laugh, and I am happy to see her every morning."
"Brenna is hard-working, dependable and consistent, and a great positive spirit to have in the office every day."
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