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What Does Your Spirit Animal Say About You?
What is personality, really? According to Theories of Personality authors Jess and Gregory J. Feist, “personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior.” In humans, personality is displayed in more than just behavior. It can also be seen in our thoughts, feelings, close relationships, and other social interactions. There are numerous ways in which we measure our own personalities, whether it’s observation of a friend’s behavior, taking the Myers-Briggs personality test online, or checking your horoscope every day. Maybe you’ve even gone next-level and studied Psychology in college, making a living studying personality!
We realize that it isn’t just human beings who display individual personalities. Anyone who owns a pet, has tended to livestock, or even visited a zoo will tell you that all animals have very distinct personalities of their own! Have you ever wondered which animal personality you might relate to the most? Considering the sheer number of “Which Animal Are You?” style quizzes online, we’re guessing most of you have. It’s simply in our nature as humans to connect ourselves to the things around us, and to try relating on a personal level. So, what’s your spirit animal? Read the following animal archetype descriptions. Once you have a good idea which one most closely resembles you, be sure to take our What is Your Spirit Animal? quiz to confirm your animal personality!
Does everyone in your life turn to you for advice? Then you may be the Spanish goat, known for its practicality, wisdom (they are the oldest breed of goat, after all), tenacity and ability to survive the harshest of conditions. They are quite intelligent, and their keen eyesight allows them to modify their behavior based on observation.
Human counterparts: Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter), Professor X (X-Men)
How is it that the weight of the world always ends up on your shoulders? Perhaps the world realizes that you can handle the tough stuff better than anyone else, kind of like the longhorn. These gentle giants are the most adaptable of cows, not only surviving but thriving in a variety of harsh climates. They’re intelligent, easy to work with, brave, strong, and for the most part, docile.
Human counterparts: Jon Snow (Game of Thrones), Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
If your favorite pastimes are making your own wooden furniture by hand and watching the latest MMA match with your buddies, the ram may be your spirit animal. Dominant, competitive, physical, and relentless, rams are some of the toughest dudes in the animal kingdom!
Human counterparts: Ellen Ripley (Alien), Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation)
People are drawn to you because of your totally unique look. You are fiercely protective of your family and friends. Sound familiar? Perhaps you are a wildebeest at heart! Wildebeests are known to be aggressive, speedy, and are widely considered to be among the strongest animals in Africa. On the flip side, these hefty vegetarians are incredibly social, playful and full of energy!
Human counterparts: Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Neo (The Matrix)
The Misunderstood Villain: Shark
You’re not vicious or out to hurt everyone, you’re simply misunderstood, just like the mighty shark! Being at the very top of the food chain, sharks can appear quite frightening to everyone else around them, but they’re simply trying to make sure everything in their world remains balanced. Fierce and sometimes pugnacious when it comes to food or territory, sharks are only attempting to live their best lives the only way they know how: Total domination of their environment.
Human counterparts: Regina George (Mean Girls), Loki (Thor)
You’re classy. Strikingly beautiful. Unique. Elegant. If the sight of rainfall literally causes you to jump for joy, your animal twin is likely the Springbok! These playful creatures are known for their “pronking”, a dancing behavior that is only displayed after a rare rainfall.
Human counterparts: Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride), Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Maybe you’re more of a Whitetail deer. If so, you might often hear, “You’re such a breath of fresh air” from family and friends. You are loving, gentle, sensitive, and shy. You do tend to be an individual, rocking a one-of-a-kind hairdo or getting new tattoos often, just like the deer who shed and regrow their antlers each year!
Human counterparts: Garth (Wayne’s World), Buddy the Elf (Elf)
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