Real Cicada in Acrylic Paperweight
Cicadas have prominent eyes set wide apart, short antennae, and membranous front wings. They have an exceptionally loud song, produced in most species by the rapid buckling and unbuckling of drumlike tymbals. The earliest known fossil Cicadomorpha appeared in the Upper Permian period; extant species occur all around the world in temperate to tropical climates. They typically live in trees, feeding on watery sap from xylem tissue and laying their eggs in a slit in the bark. Most cicadas are cryptic, singing at night to avoid predators.
This specimen is perfectly preserved in clear acrylic resin and contains a real insect or ocean creature. Specimens are imported from suppliers worldwide and are regulated by US Fish and Wildlife and the US Department of Agriculture. Typically, these pieces are used in the classroom to supplement an intriguing lesson plan, but these can also make a dramatic display in your home, as well!
Entomology is a branch of zoology focused on the identification of insects and has become an increasingly common hobby, with butterflies and dragonflies being the most popular. Whichever collection of bugs suites your fancy, these home decor accessories are sure to set any room of your home apart from the rest with a fascinating display of an appreciation of life and insects!
- The photo above is an example, yours may vary from size and or color
- Length: 3in
- Width: 1.5in
- Height: 1in