Replica Infant Lowland Gorilla Skull- 6 Months Old
This infant gorilla skull is that of an individual about 6 months old based on the lack of complete eruption of the deciduous teeth. Gorillas reside in polygynous groups with several females, their offspring and usually one or more males, so infants grow up in stable social environments. Females usually give birth to their first offspring around the age of 10 years old and continue to give birth about every 4 years. Since there is a long period of development, gorilla mothers invest many years caring for their offspring. Infant gorillas are weaned at about 3-4 years old. Infant apes, especially gorillas, tend to mature skeletally much faster than infant humans, evident in the rate of deciduous tooth eruption. Infant apes will have complete deciduous tooth eruption at about 1 year of age, while infant humans will have complete deciduous tooth eruption at a little over 2 years of age.
Product Type: Replica
Product Material: High-quality Polyurethane resin
Skull Length: 12.3 cm (4.8 in)
Skull Width: 8.9 cm (3.5 in)
Skull Height: 9.4 cm (3.7 in)