Real Crocodile Shark Jaw (4.1")
The crocodile shark is a rare and little-known species of deep-sea shark. It is named for its distinctive appearance, with a long and slender body resembling that of a crocodile. The crocodile shark can reach a maximum length of around 1.6 meters (5.2 feet). It inhabits deep ocean waters, typically found at depths ranging from 200 to 1,000 meters (656 to 3,280 feet). Not much is known about its biology and behavior, but it is believed to be a swift and active predator that feeds on small fish and squid. Due to its elusive nature and deep-sea habitat, sightings and encounters with the crocodile shark are quite rare.
- Rare specimen
- Jaw Width 10.5 cm (4.1 in.)
- Jaw Height 9 cm (3.5 in.)